They say I’m quiet
I reply, “You can’t plan a murder
out loud”
They laugh and leave me alone
But the truth is, I’m afraid,
Afraid they won’t like me, for me
So I stay quiet,
But I go crazy
Holding in my words
I have to get them out,
That’s why I write
My pencil, is my second mouth
that isn’t shy
But the truth is,
I want to be the girl,
The girl who isn’t afraid to
speak her mind
The girl who is funny
The girl who is confident
The girl who isn’t everyone’s
second choice
The girl who isn’t constantly
afraid of rejection
The girl who isn’t constantly
being left out
The girl who people actually want
to hang out with
The girl who isn’t always being
The girl who isn’t constantly
being used
But honestly I don’t think I’ll
ever be any of that
So I stay quiet
That’s why I write
Even when I try,
My voice isn’t heard
So what the use in trying?
They don’t hear me,
They don’t care
But all my feelings and emotions
are so packed
I don’t know where they begin
Where they start
Or where they end
But I’m trying so, very hard,
But I will always be the girl,
The girl who is quiet
The girl that is ditched
The girl who is abandoned
The girl who is always a second
The girl that isn’t confident
The girl that keeps her head
The girl who isn’t heard,
And I will always be the girl who
is afraid of rejection
That, is why I write